Drivers Angered by Freeway demonstrate Promoting Motorcycle Safety
Motorcycle safety has become a priority of thing in San Diego, California when the numbers of motorcycle smash fatalities and injuries skyrocketing. If you habit advice not quite your right to compensation for coarse injuries suffered in a Southern California motorcycle accident, door an accident lawyer at The McClellan behave unadulterated at 619.677.1641.
The publication that appeared onelectronic freeway signs in San Diego was intended to be innocuous and helpful.Instead, in some people it triggered resentment and even anger. The offendingmessage? Share the road. see twice for motorcyclists.
Edward Cartagena, a spokesperson forthe San Diego Caltrans office told the San Diego Union-Tribune that none of thecalls the office had conventional had been positive.
About a dozen mad callerscomplained that it wasnt occurring to them to keep an eye out for motorcyclists. SaidCartagena, Wow, I didnt know there was a sentiment with that out there on theroadways.
Motorcyclists IncreasinglyEndangered By inattentive Drivers
Motorcyclists told the newspaperthat they welcomed the drive-by revelation disturb because theyre increasinglyvulnerable on crowded streets and freeways. Drivers are less attentive thanever, vague by cellphones and new electronics, as with ease as moretraditional distractions such as music, food, conversation and rapidlane-changing.
The repercussion is that California isexperiencing a dramatic rise in injuriesand fatalities in the middle of motorcyclists.
Between 1999 and 2008, motorcyclistdeaths in San Diego County skyrocketed from 16 to 52: an layer of 225percent. San Diego County motorcyclists in addition to suffered 1,134 injuries in 2008,the most recent year for which figures are available. These statistics reflectbroader trends throughout California; in 1999, there were 230 fatalitiesstatewide, by 2008 this number had surged to 529.
The California Highway Patrol isconducting a two-year Look Twice, keep a Life disquiet to cut the rapidlyrising number of motorcyclist deaths and injuries in the four counties when theworst motorcyclecrash rates.
Ultimately, motorcycle safety is ashared responsibility. Clearly, motorcycle riders must obey the laws of theroadbut even the most cautious add-on is at the mercy of other drivers on theroad. all drivers must pay near attention to the road and the surroundings toavoid potentially catastrophic collisions following motorcyclists.
What to realize if Youve Been in AMotorcycle Accident
If you have been upset in amotorcycle smash due to someone elses negligence, right to use a SanDiego motorcycle crash lawyer who can assess the facts of yourcase and urge on you use the exploit to guard yourself.